Foreign Department


Religious studies for International students

A special five-year religious studies curriculum has been designed for international students. Following completion of this course, these students join local students in their dur-e-hadees   (Aalamia equivalent to MA). Students belonging to 67 countries presently taking various courses in the Jamia:

Southern Africa Northern Africa Central or Middle Africa Western Africa East Africa
=== 21.Sudan 19.Chad 10.Cote d’ivoire 1.Comoros
=== 22.Tunisia 20.Congo 11.Guinea 2.Djibouti
=== 23.Egypt === 12.Guinea-Bissau 3.Madagascar
=== 24.Algeria === 13.Niger 4.Mauritius
=== === === 14.Nigeria 5.Somalia
=== === === 15.Sierra Leone 6.Uganda
=== === === 16.Guinea Conakry 7.United Republic of Tanzania
=== === === 17.Liberia 8.Mozambique
=== === ===           18. Burkina Faso           9.Kenya
Eastern-Northern Asia South-Central Asia Western Asia South-Eastern Asia
50.China 40.Afghanistan 31.Azerbaijan 25.Cambodia
51.Hong Kong 41.India 32.Bahrain 26.Indonesia
52.Japan 42.Iran 33.Jordan 27.Malaysia
53.Russian Federation 43.Kazakhstan 34.Oman 28.Philippines
54.Chechnya 44.Kyrgyzstan 35.Qatar 29.Thailand
=== 45.Sri Lanka 36.Saudi Arabia 30.Burma
=== 46.Tajikistan 37.Turkey ===
=== 47.Uzbekistan 38.United Arab Emirates ===
=== 48.Nepal 39.Iraq ===
=== 49.Bangladesh === ===
Southern Europe Northern Europe Western Europe Eastern Europe
59.Italy 58.United kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland 55.France ===
60.Albania === 56.Germany ===
=== === 57.Holland ===
Australia/New Zealand Melanesia
62.Australia 61.Fiji
          63.New Zealand ====
South America
64.Peru ====
Northern America
66.Canada 65.United States of America
67.Trinidad Tobago ===
Special Features and Objectives

Studies are imparted as per the four Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence in Arabic. The faculty consists of foreign graduates and there is a special emphasis on spoken Arabic. The aim of the program, in addition to providing services to international students, is also to raise the standard of education at Binorai by building relationships with countries that have similar academic programs.

Quran Instruction and Hifz (Memorization) for International Students

Special arrangements for Quran memorization, related courses like reading Naziraa), and rules of recitation (Tajweed) have been put in place for international students. Emphasis is placed on Tajweed, which is taught by renowned recitation experts (Qura). Memorization does not get in the way of other school studies which continue simultaneously.

Special Feature
  • Experienced and excellent Faculty
  • Modern education along with the memorization of the Quran
  • Special attention to every student
  • Special emphasis on Tajweed
  • Enhancing the love of reading among children through a monthly competition
Arabic Course for Huffaaz

A special Arabic course has been designed for Quran memorizers (huffaaz). The curriculum consists of Quranic Arabic, Arabic grammar, reading and comprehension, selected hadiths, and prayers. Students become competent to be able to translate the Quran. The medium of instruction is Arabic which helps students become fluent in spoken Arabic. After successful completion of this course, students are admitted directly to the 9th grade of the regular school curriculum. During their matriculation, these students can complete the darja aula, the first year of the course, simultaneously.

— Special Feature
  • Training in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Arabic.
  • Special practice of narration in the Arabic language
  • Organization of Hadith memorization
  • Co-curricular activities in tune with contemporary requirements
  • Special focus on moral training
  • Repetition of goal under teacher supervision
Binoria Online Academy

Jamia Binoria has an online teaching facility to students who are unable to take regular courses because of professional engagement or other inabilities. Courses include:

  1. Darse Nizami Short Course
  2. One-Year Course for Mature Students
  3. Two-Year Tafseer Course
  4. Special Course for Females
Online Admissions

People living abroad who are facing legal and travel complications can avail the facility of our online academy. Our website provides complete guidance regarding admission procedures.

Special Curriculum for children

A course has also been designed for the grooming and spiritual development of the children at Binoria which includes:

  1. Nurani Qaeda ma’ Ifadaat Halimiya
  2. Quran (memorization and recitation)
  3. Creed
  4. Worship rituals
  5. Selected Quranic verses with brief Explanations
  6. Selected hadith literature
  7. Sunnah supplications
  8. Seerah ( life of the Prophet ﷺ)
  9. Ethics
  10. Islamic way of life
  11. Arabic language

Under this institution, such preachers are provided by JBA, who provide teaching of the Quran and Hadith and impart basic religious awareness in mosques located in nearby factories.

Courses designed keeping the subjects above in view are:

  • Course for Children
  • Nazira ( Quran reading ) for Children
  • One-year course for adult students
  • Special course for women
  • To impart the quality teaching of the Holy Quran
  • To provide religious education easily to boys and girls engaged in contemporary education.
  • To disseminate the science of Islam in a short time in a simple and easy-to-understand style.
  • To give intellectual and practical training to the new generation in the light of the Prophet’s life
  • To create an ideal society equipped with Islamic manners and morals.
  • To provide familiarity with the Arabic language to the new generation with dedication