What is Wifaqul Masajid
WifaqulMasajid is Sub organizational program of Jamia Binoria Almiyah, Wifaqul Masajid put in efforts to bring conflicts between Religious institutions, Madaris and Masajid to a solution place and provide Ethical and Law consultancy and support for the solutions of Routine issues.
Aim & Motive
By the Grace of Almighty Allah Subhana hu wa’tala couple of Hundreds Masajid, Madaris and Religious institutes have signed up as affiliates under Wifaq ul Masajid program of Jamia Binoria Almiyah for which administration of Wifaqul Masajid take care of their routine activities and other issues.
Wifaqul Masajid provides help to deploy Libraries and supervise the deployment of Quran e Kareem recitation Institutes so that the residence of area and the new generation has Islamic Awareness available to them within their easy reach. Analysis reporting has been done on monthly bases to Wifaqul Masajid Administration to assure the quality and standards of education provided in institutes.