The establishment of Jamia Binoria Aalamia Welfare Trust is an exemplary step to reach out and help the needy, the poor and the less fortunate at local level in particular and at global level in general.
Since its inception of the Welfare Trust has been engage in various tasks to alleviate the miseries of human beings without any discrimination.
Binoria Account Information
Bank: Askari Bank, IBBC S.I.T.E Karachi
IBAN: PK20 ASCM 0007 1602 0000 0825
Account Title: Jamia Binoria Al almia
Welfare Account Information
Branch Code: 0108
Account No: 0100177902
Bank: Meezan Bank, S.I.T.E Karachi
IBAN: PK80 MEZN 0001 0801 0017 7902
Postal Address:
Jamia Binoria Aalamia
Near S.I.T.E Police Station,
S.I.T.E Area, Karachi, Pakistan.
Postal Code: 74600.
Phone & Contact:
Mobile No: 0321 2809322
Landline From Karachi: 021 32575227-9
Landline From Out of Country: 0092 21 32575227-9
Official Hierarchy:
- Mufti Muhammad Naeem (Chairperson)
- Mr.Ashiq Husain (Late) (President}
- Hafiz Muhammad Saeed Sheikh (Vice-President)
- Hafiz Muhammad Noman (General Secretary)
- Mr.Saifullah Rabbani (Joint Secretary)
- Mr.Muhammad Imran (Treasurer)
- Molana Ghulam Rasool (Deputy Treasurer)
Trustee Members:
– Aftab Hussain
– Hafiz Anser Mehmood
- To establish a well-woven network of speedy and remedial welfare of the masses in general.
- To provide all sort of possible help and facilities in promoting education, health, livelihood, provision to the needy, the poor, the miserable, the orphan, the widow, the dessolute and the displaced.
- To help and cooperate and coordination in attaining the above mentioned objects.
- To arrange and provide free medical facilities of medication, treatment, operation and diagnosis to the above mentioned people.
- To arrange training and education of the destitute and the handicapped particularly women and children.
- To nurture civic sense in the general masses to enable them to be good and dutiful human beings and citizens.
- To inculcate in the masses a sense of responsibilities to fight against illiteracy, poverty, hunger, disease, social evils and natural calamities.
- To arrange means and resources for social welfare and run such programs aimed at well-being of the masses.
- To enable the people to arrange and undertake training and sources of their own with aid and assistance to alleviate poverty and corruption.
- To help the old, the sick and the displaced with shelter, food and medical care.
- To enable the people to be self-sufficient and resourceful to overcome disability and catestrophy.
- To establish educational institutions, book banks, libraries, hostels, technical and medical centers for learning and training, hospitals for treatment, industrial homes, nursing homes, vocational training centers and tuition centers for the benefit of the residents of the area in particular and others in general.
- To create spirit of mutual help and consideration with tolerance for each other.
- To undertake the arrangements for funeral and coffin carriers for the dead bodies.
- To provide stipends and financial help to the orphan, the widows and the needy students for accomplishing their education.
- To collect, receive, accept, manage and disburse funds, gifts, donations, grant, charity, alms, endowments and subscriptions for the welfare programs.
- To collect hide and skins or any other immovable or moveable property from all sources by lawful means within and out of the country to utilize the same for the welfare and well-beings of the needy.
- To arrange loans and financial assistant to the people in need so that they should get on their own soon to earn their own livelihood respectably.
- To establish blood banks.
- To form and constitute committees to settle down petty disputes in the society amicably.
- To provide free legal aid if it is genuinely needed.
- To cooperate and coordinate with any government, semi, autonomous bodies and NGOs in achieving the aforesaid aims and objects.
- To struggle to remove all sort of injustice, discrimination, discrepancy, ir-regulatory, usurpation, anomalies, exploitation and deprivation of human rights.
- To fight against violation, negation and usurpation.
- To promote religion and impart knowledge of religion.
- To print, publish and propagate the holy Quran, the Holy Traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
Aims & Objectives:
The Welfare Trust works on non-commercial non-political, non-sectarian and no-profit and no-loss basis.
Binoria Medical Center :
It undertakes 300 patients daily with free medical treatment costing the welfare Rs.5,00,000/- monthly. A full-fledged and fully equipped hospital is under construction with 250 bed facility which needs a huge cost in millions. All sort of test facilities are available to the patients. Many male and female doctors/physicians keep on it running 24 hours a day.
Binoria Ambulance Service:
The Welfare Trust has recently started its ambulance service. This ambulance service is provided free of cost to the needy and the poor. The welfare trust needs 10 ambulances at once to cater the need of the patients and the victims. An ambulance is of the price of Rs.450,000/- The welfare will assign five ambulance to all big hospitals under the trust. Generous and wealthy persons are requested to help the welfare in this regard to help the suffering humanity.
Dowry Scheme:
Poverty hampers many families to get their girls married because of not arranging dowry. It is even worse in the earthquake hit areas. The welfare provided dowry to 500 girls last year to get them married. This year it has an even extended program of such nature and to arrange dowry for 1,000/- girls. The estimated cost of one girl’s dowry is Rs.28,000/-
Scholarships for Students:
The Welfare Trust has announced a monthly package of scholarship in regard of books and monthly stipend for the students – male and female – of seminaries, schools and universities. It is to help to make education for all and consequently gainful employment to each one.
An IT course is also been undertaking by the welfare in and out of Karachi seminaries’ students.
Coming Soon..