Archive for November, 2013

How I came to Islam By: Cat Stevens

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How I came to Islam By: Cat Stevens

All I have to say is all what you know already, to confirm what you already know, the message of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as given by God – the Religion of Truth. As human beings we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creation. Man is created to be God’s deputy on earth, and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to ...

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Paradise and The Heavens Is God’s Reward in a Delightful Garden or Outer Space?

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Paradise and The Heavens Is God’s Reward in a Delightful Garden or Outer Space?

Parents from all walks of life have, at some time, been asked questions about Heaven from their children: “Where is Heaven?” or “Is Heaven up in the sky?”
Where is Heaven? It is a question that was easily answered prior to the development of advanced scientific knowledge. The answer was as simple as it was primitive: Heaven was up above, while hell was below.
Today, with the modern understanding about the physical universe, that question about Heaven is not so ...

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A Brief Introduction & Maslak

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A Brief Introduction & Maslak

In The Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The day of Thursday, 15th Muharram, A.H. 1283 (May 30, 1866), was that blessed and auspicious day in the Islamic history of India when the foundation stone for the renaissance of Islamic sciences was laid in the land of Deoband. Seeing the simple and ordinary manner in which it had been started, it was difficult to visualize and decide that a Madrasah beginning so humbly, with utter lack of equipment’s, was destined ...

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Convert to Islam

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Convert to Islam

A number of difficulties will beset any presentation of Muslim understandings of the Trinity. Not the least of these is the fact that these Muslim understandings have been almost as diverse and as numerous as those obtaining among Christian scholars themselves. It is true that medieval Islam knew much more about Christian doctrine than the doctors of the Church did about Islam, for the obvious reason that Muslim societies contained literate minorities with whom one could debate, something which was ...

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The Distorted Image of Muslim Women

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The Distorted Image of Muslim Women

Since the height of the feminist movement in the late 70’s there has been a magnifying glass placed over the status of Muslim women. Unfortunately, the magnifying glass that has been used is an unusual one. Unusual in the sense that it is very selective about which items it will magnify; other items it will distort to such a degree that they will no longer look familiar. I remember once reading in an “in depth” article about the lives of ...

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